Monday, July 12, 2010

I have come to the conclusion that the job hunt sucks. Just sucks - I can't think of another word that would suffice.

After five years of post-secondary education, you would THINK that there would be some sort of job in the field that you went in for. Ever since October Andrew and I have been bound and determined to head up North to the Northwest Territories or Nunavut to teach. Everyone, teachers, friends, and employers alike said that we would have no problem getting up there - who wants to go up where it's dark 4 months of the year and cold all the time, anyways? Either way, a tad bit (okay a lot bit) disappointed that THAT didn't turn out.

So now, here I am, applying to jobs in Durham just like every other Tom, Dick, and Harry. All of the jobs are occasional (i.e. maternity leaves and the sort) but I'd be fine with that. But wait - many retired teachers are going back and either a) supply teaching or b) taking over LTOs that used to give new teachers a starting place in the career world. So much for that one. Now, there are so many teachers graduating from teacher's colleges (which, despite the job situation, many college's are indeed letting in MORE candidates) that there are swarms of us without jobs.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mosquito Remedies 101

This is meant to be an add-on to my last post on mosquito bites - however, this is the remedy section! ...Now, if only I would have remembered these about a week ago, everything would have been dandy, and a semi-angry post would be non-existent.

Remedy #1: Toothpaste!
It sounds weird, but under desperate conditions I have found that by rubbing a bit of cream toothpaste (not that blue gel stuff) on the bite it tends to take away the itch. Now, the consequence is that you look like a complete tool if you're walking around with toothpaste on bites that are visible to the public. Might want to keep this one on the down-low for when you're hanging around at home.

Remedy #2: "X" marks the spot
This one is sometimes effective, depending on how itchy the damned bite is in the first place. Personally, I find that it works if it's one that is slightly bothersome, but you can go without itching it for a period of time longer than 2 minutes (okay, this isn't a scientific experiment). By using your nail, putting a little 'x' over the bite sometimes cures the constant urge to scratch!

Remedy #3: Tea, anyone?
I haven't tried this one, but apparently using a wet tea bag will reduce the itchyness. Again, you might look weird, but chances are if you're that desperate or your place of itchyness starts to go raw, you might give it a try.

Remedy #4: Prevention
To avoid all of the above...carry freaking bug spray! It's amazing how well it works when you actually use it. I should learn to remember this one above all.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer...What Exactly Is So Great About It?

Ah...well, summer has sprung over the past few weeks, and most of the population is thrilled about it. Personally - I can't figure out what is so great about it besides the fact that you don't have to leave the house 10 minutes early to get to your destination and that you don't have to bundle up to go outside.

We were supposed to have a "dry, hot summer." Really? Well, I'd love to see where THAT summer is. So far it has rained - and not just sprinkled randomly throughout the day - on of my lacrosse games except for one. Do you know how much it sucks to play in the rain, let alone coach? You stand there, getting wet like an idiot because you're too busy figuring out the lineup on a piece of paper you're trying to keep dry than to hold an umbrella and run to the car. Damn commitments. I wish the rain would go away! If all the rain we have had came to us in winter in the form of snow - WOO HOO HOO!!

Another issue I have with summer is the constant swarming of bugs of the biting variety - mosquitos, black flies, deer flies, and the most painful, horseflies! I was up in Haliburton last weekend, and I'm pretty sure I donated more blood to those bugs than I ever have to the Red Cross or even for blood tests. Your welcome for keeping you alive. Feel free to bite me again - oh wait, you did! You know the worst place to get bit? I'd have to say your rear end. You can't really scratch them without looking like there's something severely wrong with you, and there is always clothing to make it itchy! Sometimes, if you're really lucky they swell up and make you look like you have another tricep (in one particular case involving my arm and a greedy horse fly). Ever notice that no matter how many of them you swat or kill, their friends seem to want to bite you even more? Then they call in backup and you regret your decision, but there's no turning back or you'll look like you have chicken pox. You're screwed either way. Dammit.

I even went to the drive in last night and we ended up leaving after the first movie because we had entire herds (flocks? groups? pods?) of mosquitos coming through the slightest crack in the window. They can smell fear - I swear it. These things gotta go, and they will in a few weeks when their life span is cut off. That isn't to say that I'll be able to go outside without getting itchy and fearing the shadowy areas or the sun setting.

I want winter, where there's no bugs except the ones that hide in your house for warmth, and you chance getting a snow day (even though it never happens, the feeling of the possibility is simply amazing). The countdown is on - 4 more months and counting!

Thanks a lot, buggers.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Here we go again...

Here I am again – attempting to write a blog about the things that I experience, think, and sometimes things that I can’t even believe. It’s going to be comprised of a little bit of everything (hence the title “From Ying to Yang”). In my last team-blog I have failed to post for an extremelyyyy long time – not through lack of ideas, but I think through being crazy busy all of the time! Often, I will see something happen and think, “Oh! I’m SO writing about that tonight!” Yes, well, tonight never comes – apparently. Let’s see how this one goes…